FUNCTIE: Asset Manager Retail (International) 100K+
Solid Recruitment | Specialisten in Vastgoedprofessionals
Rotterdam Airportplein 34, Cornerstone building, 7 th floor
3045 AP Rotterdam (Netherlands)
+31 (0) 10 245 00 11
Functie omschrijving
Our client is an international real estate investment company with a focus on shopping malls in Middle Europe.
Key responsibilities:
• Manage the in-country-operators responsible for each asset;
• Manage all associated staff including work allocation, responsibilities, remuneration etc;
• Review, maintain and manage leasing the strategy for all assets and address issues arising from the lease agreement and disputes;
• Continuous benchmarking and optimising of assets;
• Cash flow, debtors and creditors management of assets and property owning companies;
• Operational reporting of all assets and property owning companies within the portfolio;
• Preparing an annual budget and monitoring actual performance versus budget on a quarterly basis;
• Sourcing and constant optimisation of all service level agreements;
• Compile and implement marketing strategies for each asset;
• Tenant co-ordination during expansions and refurbishment projects.
The successful candidate will need:
• 8 – 10 years’ experience in retail property asset management;
• Willingness for regular business travel and long working hours during financial reporting deadline periods;
• Financial and accounting knowledge to manage and interpret operational reporting and budgets and a working knowledge of financial statements;
• Ability to work with and manage people;
• Languages: primary English – secondary Dutch.
Solid Recruitment (Netherlands) is an international recruitment agency which offers unique career opportunities in the real estate sector.
If you are interested in this position you can sent your application (in English) to Robbert Jan Meerman ( and for questions you can contact him on +31(0)643038330.
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